Websites + Marketing Yardım

Import email subscribers from a .csv file

Add multiple new contacts as email marketing subscribers from a CSV file. Once contacts are added as email subscribers, organize them into email lists.

Note: For legal purposes, you must add a physical address for your site before sending emails. You can access this by selecting Settings, and then Email Marketing. You must also have a contact's permission to send them marketing emails.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. On your dashboard, expand Customers, and then select All.
  4. Select Add Contacts.
  5. Select Upload an existing list by file (.csv, .txt, .xls or .xlsx).
  6. Drag and drop your .csv file into the popup or select upload from your device.
  7. Select the type of email marketing permissions that apply to the list.
  8. Select Import File.

You may need to refresh the page to see changes.

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