Domains Yardım

Edit my email privacy settings

All domains eligible for Domain Privacy have immediate access to a private email address as an extra layer of identity protection. When messages are sent to this private email address, you can have those messages automatically forwarded to your preferred email address. You'll be able to stay in touch with anyone trying to contact the domain owner, while still keeping your personal email address private.

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Domain Portfolio. (Need help logging in? Find your username or password.)
  2. Select an individual domain to access the Domain Settings page.
    select a single domain
  3. Select Edit in the Email Privacy card.
  4. Switch the toggle next to Forward email to another email address to turn on forwarding.
    • Enter your personal email address. This is where we'll forward messages that get sent to your privacy email address.
  5. (Optional) Switch the toggle next to Filter email for spam to turn on filtering of junk emails so they won't be forwarded to your personal email address.
  6. (Optional) Switch the toggle next to Randomize private email address to randomize your private email address.
    • Randomizing your private email address makes it harder to guess your email address and further reduces the chance of receiving spam emails.
  7. Select Save to confirm your changes.

It can take up to 90 minutes for your changes to be reflected in your account and in our public WHOIS directory..

Related steps

  • Respond to a forwarded message by composing a new email message to the sender's email address, which can be found in the subject line of the forwarded email message. Sending a new email message means you willingly expose your personal email address to the recipient.
  • Make sure your underlying domain contact info is accurate and make any necessary changes..

More info