Business Email Yardım

Outlook app on iPhone & iPad: Set up email

This article is specific to Business Email. If you have a different type of email, please see Microsoft 365 iPhone instructions, or Workspace email iPhone instructions.

To access your Business Email from your iPhone or iPad, you can use the Outlook app. The Outlook app is compatible with any device running iOS 8.0+.

  1. Download, install, and open the Microsoft Outlook app.
  2. If this is the first account you're setting up:
    1. Tap Get Started.
      Click Get Started in Outlook app.
    2. If you want the Outlook app to send you notifications, tap Notify Me. Otherwise, tap No Thanks.
      Select notifications option

      Note: If you selected Notify Me, tap OK on the pop-up notification.

  3. If you've already set up an account
    1. Tap Settings in the bottom menu.
      Tap Settings
    2. Tap Add Account.
      Tap Add Account
    3. Tap Add Email Account.
      Tap Add Email Account
  4. Type your Business Email address in the field, and tap Add Account.
    Type email address, tap Add Account
  5. Tap IMAP.
    Tap IMAP
  6. Your Business Email address should be filled in. Tap Use Advanced Settings.
    Tap Use Advanced Settings
  7. Enter the following information:
    FieldWhat to enter
    Display NameThe name you want to show to others when they receive your emails.
    DescriptionAn optional reference for you about this account. No one else will see this.
    IMAP HostnameThe correct incoming server address for your region, found here.
    IMAP UsernameYour full Business Email password.
    IMAP PasswordYour Business Email password.
    SMTP HostnameThe correct outgoing server address for your region, found here.
    SMTP UsernameYour full Business Email password, again.
    SMTP PasswordYour Business Email password, again.
    Enter your email account and server details Note: If you would like to add a port number to your incoming or outgoing server settings, type a colon :, followed by the port number, with no spaces. For example,
  8. Tap Sign In.
  9. If you would like to add another account you can. Otherwise, tap Maybe Later.
  10. Next step

    • Send yourself an email to make sure your Outlook app is set up correctly.

    More info

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