Web Hosting (cPanel) Yardım

Uninstall an SSL Certificate from my Web Hosting (cPanel)

Before uploading a new SSL certificate to your site, sometimes you’ll have to uninstall the old SSL certificate to avoid errors. This can be useful when using AutoSSL for the first time on a site, as your old SSL may not always be overridden.

Warning: Uninstalling an SSL certificate can cause site functions that rely on encryption to stop working. We recommend installing your new SSL immediately after to minimize potential downtime.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to use, select Manage.
    click manage
  3. In the hosting account Dashboard, select cPanel Admin.
  4. On the cPanel Home page, in the Security section, select SSL/TLS.
  5. On the right side of your screen, under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS), select Manage SSL sites.
  6. Under Manage Installed SSL Websites, in the Actions column, select Uninstall for the certificate you wish to uninstall.
  7. Select Proceed.

A success message will confirm that your old SSL is uninstalled. You can select Browse Certificates to view the SSL certificates on your server, including the SSL that you've just uninstalled.

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