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Add product attributes in WooCommerce

You can create attributes for products in WooCommerce. Attributes serve two main purposes. The first purpose is for variable products. You must create attributes in order to create product variations based off those attributes. The second purpose for attributes is to allow customers to filter products that contain a particular attribute using a WooCommerce widget.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Click Products from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click Attributes in the expanded WooCommerce menu.
  4. On the left-half of the screen, you'll see an Add new attributes section.
  5. Enter a Name for the attribute.
  6. Enter a Slug for the attribute (or leave this blank for WooCommerce to generate it for you).
  7. Check the box to enable Enable Archives. If this option is enabled, your site will have a page that displays all products with this attribute.
  8. Click the Add attribute button.

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