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Label my WordPress post with tags

If you have a blog on your WordPress site, you can use tags to label your posts based on specific characteristics. That way, it will be easier for your readers to find all posts related to that label. Here's how to assign tags to your WordPress blog post.

Note: It’s best practice to add tags to your site before assigning them to a post.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. On the left side menu, select Posts > Tags.
  3. Find the post you want to label with a tag.
    • If you're on a computer, hover over it and select Quick Edit.
    • If you're on a mobile device, select Quick Edit.
  4. Under Tags, start typing the name of the tag you want to use and select it from the autocomplete list. If you want to add more tags, separate them with commas and start typing the name of the next tag.
  5. Select Update to save changes.

Your post is now labeled with tags you have previously selected.

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