Account Management Довідка

Delete a payment method

You can delete payment methods in your account that you’re not currently using.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy Payment Methods page. You might be prompted to log in.
  2. Select the Icon of three vertical dots menu next to the payment method you want to remove. Select Delete.
  3. A new window opens.
    • If the payment method is associated with an active product, you’ll be prompted to choose (or add) a different payment method before you can delete this one.
    • If the payment method is not associated with an active product, you’ll be able to delete it.
  4. Select Confirm Delete or Replace with [selected payment] to finish.

More info

  • If you've got any active products (listed in Billing Details), you need to keep at least one payment method in your account.
  • Add additional payment methods to your account at any time.