Recap of Key Factors Driving Women Entrepreneurial Success
In February of 2024, nearly 100 virtual attendees joined the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, the Wells Fargo Foundation and GoDaddy Venture Forward to discuss fresh data on women-led entrepreneurship.
Read the article entitled “Recap of Key Factors Driving Women Entrepreneurial Success”
Las Vegas’ First-Ever Microbusiness Summit
The first of its kind Microbusiness Summit took place on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at Las Vegas City Hall.
Read the article entitled “Las Vegas’ First-Ever Microbusiness Summit”
Data Forward
Women microbusiness owners up 33% in the UK and 10% in US, narrowing the gender gap
The number of women-owned microbusinesses has continued to increase in both the U.S. and U.K. according to the GoDaddy Venture Forward U.S. National Survey conducted in August 2023.
Read the article entitled “Women microbusiness owners up 33% in the UK and 10% in US, narrowing the gender gap”
Data Forward
US entrepreneurs skew older than counterparts in the UK
Microbusiness owners in the U.S. skew older than those in the U.K.
Read the article entitled “US entrepreneurs skew older than counterparts in the UK”
Data Forward
New data suggests microbusinesses face different top challenges than small businesses
The Big Fact: Microbusiness owners struggle or experience more challenges marketing their business online and knowing what to do at […]
Read the article entitled “New data suggests microbusinesses face different top challenges than small businesses ”
Microbusiness profile
GoDaddy, growth and turning inwards with Meditation Rocks
I’m only a few minutes into a video call with Rachel Brennan from Blossom and Grow Florist when I notice that the wall she’s sat in front of is wallpapered with a vintage flower print. I ask her if she’s speaking to me from her shop, but she tells me that, no, she’s in her living room at home.
Read the article entitled “GoDaddy, growth and turning inwards with Meditation Rocks”
Microbusiness profile
The sweet story behind Piñata Smash Cake
A Piñata Smash Cake is exactly what it sounds like: a gorgeous creation of confectionery that is smashed open with a tiny mallet to unleash a mixture of candy and chocolate goodies that party guests delight in sharing.
Read the article entitled “The sweet story behind Piñata Smash Cake”
Microbusiness profile
The side hustle is having a moment. New Research from GoDaddy.
Read the article entitled “The side hustle is having a moment. New Research from GoDaddy.”
Microbusiness profile
Why today’s young Canadians could be our most entrepreneurial generation yet
Read the article entitled “Why today’s young Canadians could be our most entrepreneurial generation yet”
Microbusiness profile
How Barkery Deluxe Dog Treats went from side hustle to best in show
Building a successful business is often seen as the ultimate endgame. But for first-time business owners Corrin Elliott and Roxane Coutts, success meant starting small.
Read the article entitled “How Barkery Deluxe Dog Treats went from side hustle to best in show”