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GoDaddy Open: A Recap From Our Evening in Baltimore

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Black Women are Leaders in the Microbusiness Boom

Black Women are Leaders in the Microbusiness Boom

Black women have started nearly 20% of microbusinesses since the pandemic began, three times their share of the U.S. population. And in-spite of facing disproportional odds, 92% of surveyed Black female founders were more optimistic about the next 3 months, compared to 72% of other founders who were surveyed.

Read the article entitled “Black Women are Leaders in the Microbusiness Boom”
Brookings: Microbusinesses boomed during the pandemic. Now, local leaders need to support them.

Brookings: Microbusinesses boomed during the pandemic. Now, local leaders need to support them.

The COVID-19 pandemic delivered a massive shock to America’s workers – one result of this was a burst of microbusiness startups. But because microbusiness patterns of growth vary from state to state and community to community, local economic development officials need to understand these entrepreneurs in order to help them succeed.

Read the article entitled “Brookings: Microbusinesses boomed during the pandemic. Now, local leaders need to support them.”

Higher Median Income

In the US, Venture Forward research found that adding one highly active microbusiness per 100 people could add $485 to household income

Microbusiness Activity Index Q2 2022 Update: Top Gainers 

Microbusiness Activity Index Q2 2022 Update: Top Gainers 

In 2022 Venture Forward, GoDaddy’s research initiative launched several new metrics available for download on our website. One of these, the Microbusiness Activity Index, assess how connected and active the community is in terms of online business activity. Using this metric, we’ve uncovered some important relationships between how robust an online microbusiness community is, and the economic outcomes in their respective communities.

Read the article entitled “Microbusiness Activity Index Q2 2022 Update: Top Gainers ”
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Data Now Available in Four Countries

New data across four countries shows the overall density in microbusinesses. Download the data today to see how businesses in your area are performing.