United Kingdom

Microbusiness Density
Low High

~9 microbusiness per 1000 people throughout the country

~9 microbusiness per 1000 people throughout the country

Venture Forward is an international research initiative by GoDaddy that quantifies the growth and economic impact of more than 20 million microbusinesses – those with an active website and the majority with fewer than 10 employees – including over 610,000 in the United Kingdom.


It also provides a unique view into the attitudes, demographics and needs of the entrepreneurs who run them. 

Entrepreneurs running their first business
New jobs created per microbusiness
Started with less than £5K
Source: GoDaddy Venture Forward U.K. National Survey.
May 2024 (N=2,153). Frontier Economics analysis of GoDaddy proprietary dataset and U.K. public data.
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Updated Q2 2024
United Kingdom Entrepreneur Survey Results
National survey of over 5,500 microbusiness owners sharing insights on their business operations, economic outlook, demographics and more.
Updated Q4 2024
United Kingdom Microbusiness Density
This dataset captures the geographic distribution and growth rate of active microbusinesses across the country down to the province-level.
Updated Q4 2024
United Kingdom Industry and Commerce Data
This unique dataset ranks industries in Canada based on the number of sellers, orders, and gross merchandise value (GMV), providing a new lens into how effectively microbusinesses are performing.
Research Reports
A glimpse of the unique research on trends we’re seeing and applications of our data by partners.
GoDaddy Venture Forward Report 2024: United Kingdom
2024: Digital Microbusinesses and Local Economic Outcomes in the UK
GoDaddy Venture Forward Report 2023 UK Edition
Media Contacts
Venture Forward is a research initiative that quantifies the impact 20+ million online microbusinesses have on their local economies, and provides a unique view into the attitudes, demographics and needs of entrepreneurs.