United States

Microbusiness Density
Low High

~9 microbusinesses per 100 people throughout the country

~9 microbusinesses per 100 people throughout the country

Venture Forward is an international research initiative by GoDaddy that quantifies the growth and economic impact of more than 20 million microbusinesses – those with an active website and the majority with fewer than 10 employees – including 20 million in the United States.


It also provides a unique view into the attitudes, demographics and needs of the entrepreneurs who own them. 

Started to be their own boss.
Positive 6-month business outlook.
New jobs created per microbusiness.
Source: GoDaddy Venture Forward U.S. National Survey.
February 2024 (N= 3,565); Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023.
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Updated Q3 2024
United States Entrepreneur Survey Results
National and city-level surveys since 2019 of over 35,000 microbusiness owners sharing insights on their business operations, economic outlook, demographics, and more.
Updated Q4 2024
United States Microbusiness Density
This quarterly dataset captures the distribution and growth of active microbusinesses across the country down to the city-level.
Updated Q4 2024
United States Industry and Commerce Data
This unique dataset ranks industries in the United States based on the number of sellers, orders, and gross merchandise value (GMV), providing a new lens into how effectively microbusinesses are performing.
Research Reports
A glimpse of the unique research on trends we’re seeing and applications of our data by partners.
How Does AI Impact Microbusinesses and Local Economic Activity?
GoDaddy Venture Forward Report 2024: United States
UCLA Anderson Forecast Microbusiness Activity Index 2024 Annual Update
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