Account Management Trợ giúp

GoDaddy SOC or SSAE 18 compliance

GoDaddy is not currently audited for SOC or SSAE 18 compliance.

What is a SOC or SSAE 18 compliance report?

A System and Organization Controls (SOC) or Statement on Standards for Attest Engagements (SSAE) 16 compliance report is issued by an independent auditor using principles created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that verifies a service organization's operations meet certain criteria. In this case, GoDaddy is considered the service organization for our hosting customers.

Does GoDaddy offer products I can use to meet my compliance needs?

GoDaddy does provide WebTrust certified SSL products, PCI certified online payment products, and HIPAA compliant products.

What can you tell me about the hosting products not listed above?

GoDaddy is committed to supporting our hosting customers with mature processes and a robust supporting infrastructure. If you like, you can view a description of the systems supporting our hosting services.