Account Management 帮助

About my payee account

When you set up a payee account, you choose a payment method. A payee payment threshold is the minimum amount you can be paid at one time through your payee account, and each payment incurs a transaction fee.

The table shows available payment methods, transaction fees, payment rejection fees and the minimum payment threshold amount for each payment.

Payee account payment methodAvailable
in U.S.
outside of U.S.*
fee (USD)
rejection fee (USD)
Minimum payment
threshold (USD)
Paper checkYesNo$25.00$35.00$100.00
Wire transfer**
(non-U.S. residents, paid in non-USD)
Wire transfer*
(non-U.S. residents, paid in USD)
Wire transfer
(U.S. residents)

*Payment methods might not be available in all countries. For more info, see the next section.

**Minimum values may vary depending on your preferred currency. For more, see the next section.

Supported payment methods by payee country

Select one of the following options to view the available payment methods by payee country. If you choose wire transfer or eCheck as your payment method, there might be limits to the minimum and maximum payment amounts. Any minimums or maximums are listed next to the appropriate currency.

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