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Add pages to my navigation menu in WordPress

Step 5 of the Build my WordPress site series.

A navigation menu is a bar along the top or side of the site that links to other pages on your site. Here's how to add pages to your navigation menu, so your customers can quickly find a page they want.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. In the left-side menu, select Appearance and then Menus.
    Note: Here are a few things to consider:
    • If you've already created a menu, skip steps 3-6.
    • If you created more than one menu, in the Select a menu to edit list, select the menu you want to edit, and then select Select before continuing to step 7.
    • If, after you select Appearance, you see Editor instead of Menus, check out this article to learn how to create and edit your navigation menu in the new Site Editor.
  3. In the Menu Name field, enter the name of your menu.
  4. Optional: To automatically add new pages to this menu as they are published, select Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu.
  5. In the Display location section, select the menu location you want to use.
  6. Select Create Menu.
  7. Under Add menu items, in the Pages section, select the pages you want to add to your menu.

    Note: You can also add posts, categories, and custom links to your navigation menu by picking the corresponding type of menu item under Add menu items instead of Pages.

  8. Select Add to Menu.
  9. Select Save Menu.

Your menu is now live on your site, and it displays the added pages. Go to the next step to check out what else you can do with your site.

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