Websites + Marketing 帮助

Add website members

Websites + Marketing's private pages can only be seen by those who receive a email containing a private link to create a member account on your website. Add multiple members by entering email addresses manually or by importing a spreadsheet of names and email addresses. (Or, add members one at a time.)

Note: You can only add members after you've created at least one private page. Members will have access to all of your site's private pages.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll to Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. From your Dashboard, expand Customers, and then select All.
  4. Select Add Contacts.
  5. Choose from three methods to add website members:
    • Add manually, one by one.
    • Upload an existing list by file (.csv): Drag and drop your files or select upload from your device and navigate to an existing CSV spreadsheet of names and email addresses.
      Note: The spreadsheet must be formatted as a CSV (comma-separated values), XLS, or XLSX file to be uploaded. Or, select Get Example, then use the downloaded CSV file as a template to add your own names.
    • Copy and paste an existing list: Enter email addresses separated by commas.
  6. Check the box by Invite these contacts to create their accounts at this time.
    • Optional: Select Preview to see an example of the email your invited members will receive.
  7. Select Add, Add and Close or Import File.
  8. Once the upload completes, the window closes automatically and you can see the additions on your members list.

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