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在您的网站上添加电子邮件营销订阅表单,以吸引您的访客注册促销电子邮件。以下是如何使用Subscribe (订阅)分区自定义联系人表单的方法。

  1. 转到 GoDaddy 产品页面
  2. 向下滚动,展开 Websites + Marketing,然后选择网站旁边的 Manage(管理)。
  3. 选择Edit Website (编辑网站)。
  4. Scroll down the page to your Subscribe section and select it.
    Note: If you haven't already added a Subscribe section, select Add-section button in the website builder. where you'd like to add one, and then search for Subscribe in the Add Section menu.
  5. Use the fields in the Subscribe panel to the right to customize the section's headline, description, the message subscribers will see after subscribing, the email address that receives subscriptions, and the label on the sign-up button.
  6. To pick a different Subscribe layout, in the sidebar menu, select Layout, select a new layout, and then select Done.
    Note: On mobile, swipe right or left below the current layout to see other layout styles.
  7. If your layout has a background image, you can replace it by scrolling to the bottom of the panel on the right, selecting Background Image, and then changing or editing it. To apply the update, select Done.
  8. 当您准备好公开更改时,请选择Publish
  9. 若要测试订阅过程如何应用于网站访客,请选择查看网站或在网站编辑器中的网站预览上方选择您的网址。
  10. When your site appears, scroll to the subscribe section, enter your email address, and select the button that you've personalized to submit your email.
  11. 检查您的电子邮件账户中是否有确认电子邮件,选择其中的链接,您就会被添加到网站的电子邮件列表中。
