Change the domain in my Web Hosting (cPanel) account
Here's how to change the primary domain name on your Web Hosting (cPanel) account. After you make the change, allow up to 24 hours for your change to take effect.
- 如果您已经将要使用的域名添加为别名、重定向或附加域名,则需要先将其删除。
- 删除主域名的所有子域名。
- 转到您的 GoDaddy 产品页面。
- Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to use, select Manage.
- In the account Dashboard, in the Settings section, next to Primary Domain, select Change.
- Select or enter the domain you want to use, and then select Change Domain.
- 如果要使用的域名不在同一 GoDaddy 账户中,则需要更改域名的 A 记录以将其指向您的主机 IP 地址。
- WordPress installations can break when you change your primary domain. If this happens, see these WordPress instructions.
- 搜索可用域名