Windows Hosting (Plesk) 帮助

Form mailer on Windows Hosting with Plesk

If you were previously using the integrated PHP or ASP form mailer on our legacy Windows hosting, and were automatically migrated to the newer Windows Hosting with Plesk, then you still have access to the same form mailer.

What actions do I need to take?

You don’t need to make any changes to your website’s code for the form mailer to work. You can find the form mailer file in the httpdocs folder of your hosting account, and it is named __gdForm_email_address.formmail.

How will the form mailer send an email when the form is submitted?

When one of your website’s users completes and submits the form, the email will be immediately sent from the hosting account to the email address you specified. The email you receive will display the contents of the form in the order in which the related fields appear on your site.

Can anyone use this form mailer?

This integrated form mailer is only available for users that were previously using the form mailer on legacy hosting and were automatically migrated to Windows Hosting with Plesk.

If you don’t have access to the integrated form mailer, you can use the free resources at W3 Schools to create your own.

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